What Is the Next Step
for Handout Recipients?
Our message persuades recipients of our handouts to visit our website homepage to learn more. Our homepage provides links to essential educational videos and alternative media channels mainly on Bitchute or Rumble.
The Satanic Elites have systematically silenced alternative media voices on the most popular social media platforms and in search engine results. This has forced most truth broadcasters to move to lesser-known platforms that most of the general public do not even know exist. But now we have a weapon to wake up the masses and drive millions to their websites and videos on platforms where the message of truth reigns unfettered. Thus, this grassroots campaign, as well as others that might emerge, need to fill that void fast and expand our reach to enormous distances beyond that which had been achieved via YouTube. So, get out there and distribute as many handouts as you can and do so repetitively. You can go house to house or office to office. Hand them out at coffee shops or mall food courts, and at community events. In typical neighborhoods, if you hustle, you can distribute 200 in about three hours. Ten hours a month could mean you distributing at least 600 handouts. Imagine 10,000 people distributing this amount every month. That’s 6,000,000 households per month, which means reaching as many as 18,000,000 people!