The Alarming Truth Behind
Inflation, Artificial Intelligence,
and Future Pandemics
What you need to know to safeguard you and your loved ones
Discover how a cult of Satanic-believing bankers became rich and powerful through a corrupt banking system that they control. We will show you how this enabled this Satanic Cult to achieve dominance over virtually every nation’s monetary system, government, media, technology, healthcare, education, entertainment, big pharma, and virtually all other major corporations.
The Corrupt World Banking System and Big Oil
If you don’t know how the world banking system works, it will be hard to grasp the truth behind COVID-19, inflation, and the actual reasons for war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East. You were never taught in school how your nation’s banking system works. Thus, you probably won’t be able to correctly answer the questions below, and it’s not your fault.
Can you correctly answer these questions?
Who creates your nation’s money and how is it created? What is a debt-based banking system? What is fractional reserve banking? What is a nation’s national debt? What is the real purpose of a central bank? Why is who creates your nation’s money more important than what backs it? How are inflation, recessions and depressions scientifically created? What are the two basic causes of the crumbling world economy?
The first video below provides you the answers to these questions.